Autoritatea Aeronautică Civilă Romană

List of Airworthiness Notifications (NNs) issued by AACR

1. Continuity of airworthiness of Annex I aircraft-

2. Certification of NDT operators operating in the Romanian civil aeronautical industry after July 1, 2019 

3. Revocation of Authorization Certificate RO.147.005

4. Information about  transition from Part-MG / -MF / 145 to Part-CA (M) O organizations in accordance with (EU) 1321/2014 as amended by (EU) 2021/700. May 2021 revision of the guide can be downloaded here

5. Examination credits in order to obtain the technical personnel license in accordance with Part66
6. Information about RoCAA continuing oversight activities of organizations involved in airworthiness of aircraft / components, during the restrictions imposed to prevent the spread of COVID-19
7. Information about activities performed by organizations involved in different civil aviation activities during COVID-19 pandemic

8. Validity of authorization / certification documents issued by AACR based on national normative acts, during the alert state and after its lifting

9. Information related to the legal conditions for planning and carrying out flight activities with UAV in Romanian airspace after 01.01.2021-NN 0010

10. Information related to the legal conditions for planning and carrying out flight activities with UAV in Romanian airspace after 01.01.2021-update to NN_0010

11. Information related to the legal conditions for planning and carrying out flight activities with UAV in Romanian airspace after 01.01.2021-update to NN_0011

12. Information on how to carry out non destructive test activities - NDT/contracting/subcontracting NN0013


13.Information about  transition  to SMS  for Part 145 organizations in accordance with (EU) 1321/2014 as amended by (EU) 2021/1963 May 2021 revision of the guide can be downloaded here


14. NN15-information related to tratransition  to SMS  for Part 145 organizations

15. NN 0016 Informare cu privire la cerințele pentru calificarea și autorizarea personalului de certificare pentru întreținerea minoră la linie și rectificarea defectelor simple

16. NN 0017 utilizarea sculelor alternative

Last update: 13/08/2024, 12:37:42