Autoritatea Aeronautică Civilă Romană

In this update new Italian Notam W0390/15 that replaces the Notam W0271/15.

General info:
Information about latest NOTAMs and EASA Safety Information Bulletins (SIBs) published in relation to armed conflicts is available on a trial basis in the crisis management portlet in the protected NOP Portal. Aircraft Operators should continue to refer to the valid NOTAMs.

Specific information:
-Ukraine situation -
Advice from EUROCONTROL Network Manager
Further to the ICAO State letter EUR/NAT 14-0243.TEC (FOL/CUP) issued on 02 April 2014], raising safety concerns in Simferopol FIR 'due to the unsafe situation where more than one ATS provider may be controlling flights within the same airspace from 3 April 2014, 0600 UTC onwards, the Network Manager strongly advises airspace users to avoid the airspace.

However, NM has no legal authority to reject flight plans unless the ATS routes are formally closed by NOTAMs from the competent authority.

Please check all relevant known NOTAMs and EASA SIB applicable to the Ukrainian situation.

The Network Manager will also:
- inform, coordinate with and support aircraft operators with rerouteing suggestions within IFPS zone avoiding the closed routes (pls contact NMOC IFPU), and - coordinate with Ukrainian, Romanian, Bulgarian and Turkish ACCs in order to mitigate possible impact of disrupted traffic flows.

-Civil aviation overflying Belarus

Minsk ACC informed that scheduled flights that avoid Ukraine airspace via Belarus airspace are allowed to fly based on FPL. Operators should insert the following note in field 18 of the FPL: (RMK/THIS FLT REROUTED DUE TO AVOID UKRAINE) Other flights operating in Belarus airspace shall be guided by Belarus AIP (GEN 1.2-3)
-Russian Airspace overflight permission

Consultations on permissions for tfc rerouting via Russian Airspace, avoiding Ukrainian airspace, can be obtained H24 by calling: +7 495 601 0776

HLLL Libya Tripoli FIR information
Taking into consideration the armed conflict situation in Libya, ICAO draws the attention to possible existence of serious risks to the safety of international civil flights operating within the Tripoli FIR. ICAO strongly urges the use of this and any other pertinent information to assess flight safety risks in the Tripoli FIR and airports of Libya. Ref ICAO state letter AN 13/4.3.

Due to contradictory information and communication difficulties flights transiting both Libyan and Maltese airspace enroute to destinations outside Libya and Malta (bi-directional) are not permitted. Such Flight Plans will not be accepted by IFPS.

Operators intending to operate to/from HL aerodromes in the HLLLFIR may contact the Malta ATS Airspace Cell on email: in order to obtain any updates and to ensure correct flight planning taking into account all restrictions for entry/exit HLLLFIR.

Due to contradictory information being published under the Libyan designator, the NM cannot promulgate UFN any Libyan Airspace NOTAMs on the NOP Portal.
Please refer to EAD which is publishing only NOTAMs issued by the UN recognized authority.

Overflying and landing on Italian territory is forbidden to all aircrafts departing from Libya. Such FPLs will not be accepted by IFPS. Ref LI Notam W0390.

Further attention is drawn to AOs to the following:
EASA SIB reference Libya

please check Notam DTTC A0122/15
please check new Notam DAAA A0436/15

Further information on conflict zones available on the crisis management portlet.

NMOC Brussels