Autoritatea Aeronautică Civilă Romană

Please note the new Notam: A0740/14.

On behalf of Libyan CAA, Malta ATS is informing that under the authority of the Libyan CAA, this notification is issued to advise aircraft operators that HLLL FIR is closed for international transiting traffic until 15/10/2014 2359 UTC.

Notam A0696/14 refers.

Additional information in the EASA Safety Information Bulletin 2014-23.

Only the following HL aerodromes are available as follows:

HLLB/HLLS/HLLT closed UFN, Notam A0699/14 refers.

HLTD closed UFN, Notam A0694/14 refers.

HLLM/HLLQ/HLMS/HLTQ are available 24H in accordance with the MRS as indicated in Notam A0740/14.

HLKF is available 24H - Notam A0023/14 refers.

Malta ATS is in constant contact with the Libyan ATM authorities over this developing security situation in Tripoli. On behalf of Malta ATS we kindly advise operators that they can contact MATS on:

Due to the developing crisis these two DCT segments have been made available WIE:

TISAL DCT RASNO Odd levels FL285-460
(to allow alternative routing due to HLLLFIR MRS)

OLMAX DCT DINUX Even levels FL195-460
(to allow alternative routing due to HLLLFIR MRS)

NMOC Brussels