At international level
Type and Code of the Normative Act
Title of the Normative Act
1. Doc ICAO 9060/5 ICAO Statistical Program Reference Manual; -
At european level
Type and Code of the Normative Act
Title of the Normative Act
1. Regulation (EC) no. 223/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11.03.2009 Regulation (EC) no. 223/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11.03.2009 on European Statistics and repealing Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1605/2002 Regulation (EC) No 1101/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the transmission of confidential statistical data to the Statistical Office of the European Communities Council Regulation (EC) No 322/97 on Community Statistics and Council Decision 89/382 / EEC Euratom setting up the Statistical Program Committee of the European Communities.
At national level
Type and Code of the Normative Act
Title of the Normative Act
1. OMTI no.1089/26.06.2012 Order of the Minister of Transport and Infrastructure on the collection, analysis, centralization and dissemination of statistical data in the field of air transport; 2. Law no. 226/05.06.2009 (consolidated) Law on the organization and functioning of official statistics in Romania, with subsequent amendments and completions
►M1: Law no. 211/11.11.2010►M2: Ordonance no. 3/27.01.2016
►M3: OUG no. 40/28.06.2016
►M4: Law no. 153/28.06.2017
3. GD no. 586/22.07.2020 Government decision no. 586/22.07.2020 regarding the approval of the National Annual Statistical Program 2020
PIAC - Civil Aeronautics Procedures and Instructions
Type and Code of the Normative Act
Title of the Normative Act
1. PIAC-STA, Ed. 2/2024 Civil aeronautics instructions and procedures - Collection, analysis, centralization and dissemination of statistical data in the field of air transport.