Autoritatea Aeronautică Civilă Romană

AACR is designated as an independent supervisory authority, responsible for supervising the application of the provisions of GD 455/2011 on airport charges.

AACR exercises all the obligations, competencies and attributions deriving from GD 455/2011 for the independent supervisory authority, in an impartial and transparent manner.

The list of airports in Romania provided in art. 1 paragraph 2 of GD 455/2011 on airport tariffs can be consulted here.

AACR exercises its attributions of supervising the observance of the provisions of GD 455/2011 according to the Procedure for application and supervision of the application of the provisions of H.G. no. 455/2011 on airport tariffs, PIAC-AD-STA code ed.1 / 2016, approved by the Decision of the General Director of AACR no. 841 / 23.09.2016.

European Commission recommendations on airport charges
The recommendations of the Working Party on Airport Tariffs of the European Commission (Thessaloniki Forum) on the application of Directive 2009/12 / EC can be downloaded by accessing the link below in the "additional information" section:

Surveillance of airport fares:
The supervision of airport tariffs by AACR is done in accordance with the provisions of Chap. 5 of the Procedure for the application and supervision of the application of the provisions of H.G. no. 455/2011 on airport tariffs, PIAC-AD-STA code, edition 1/2016 corroborated with the provisions of the Procedure on Issuing and processing of aeronautical information bases, PIAC-BA code, edition 1/2009, amendment 2/2016.

Last update: 26/04/2021, 09:30:17