Autoritatea Aeronautică Civilă Romană

1. National legislation

No. Type and Code of the Normative Act Title of the Normative Act
Decision of the DG of the AACR no. D374 / 08.10.2020 Decision approving the Procedure regarding the approval of the Romanian Civil Aeronautical Authority for the limits of civil aeronautical protected areas and the restrictions associated to these areas determined by the civil aerodrome administrator or, as the case may be, by the civil air navigation services equipment
ZSAC limits approval procedure Procedure regarding the approval of the Romanian Civil Aviation Authority for the limits of the civil aeronautical protected areas and the restrictions associated with these areas determined by the administrator of the civil aerodrome or, as the case may be, by the administrator of the civil air navigation services
3. Decision of the DG of the AACR no. D306_26.06.2020 Decision approving the content and structure of the documentation submitted to the AACR for the purpose of issuing opinions on technical documentation related to objectives in civil aeronautical protected areas or other areas where they may constitute obstacles to air navigation or affect the safety of flight in the territory and space of Romania, provided in Annexes no. 1-5, which are an integral part of this decision.
Content and structure of the documentation submitted to the AACR for the purpose of issuing opinions to the technical documentation related to the objectives from civil aeronautical protected areas or from other areas where they may constitute obstacles for air navigation or may affect the safety of flight on the territory and in the airspace of Romania- Annexes no. 1-5.
5. RACR-AVZ (consolidated) Romanian civil aeronautical regulations regarding the issuance of approvals for technical documentation related to objectives from civil aeronautical protected areas or in other areas where they may constitute obstacles for air navigation or may affect flight safety on the territory and in the airspace of Romania, edition 2/2020, approved by Order no. 893/21.04.2020.
6. AACR-DANA-MET-CNS-02, ed.2/2018  
7. Order no. 125/1378/2013 on the establishment of activities, other than civil aeronautical activities, having as an effect the arrival in the airspace of various material bodies

Romanian civil aeronautical regulations regarding the establishment of civil aeronautical protected areas and the conditions for approving the technical documentation related to the objectives in these areas or in other areas where they may constitute obstacles for air navigation and / or may affect the safety of flight on the territory and airspace of Romania, edition 1/2015, approved by OMT no. 735/09.06.2015
►M1: OMT no. 33 / 16.01.2017 for the modification and completion of RACR-ZSAC
►M2: OMT no. 1453 / 17.09.2018 for the modification of RACR-ZSAC

►M3: OMT no. 337/29.03.2022 for the modification of RACR-ZSAC


Last update: 26/05/2023, 11:09:42