The list of Romanian airports provided in art. 1 paragraph 2 of GD no. 455/2011 on airport tariffs.
AACR exercises its attributions of supervising the observance of the provisions of GD 455/2011 according to the Procedure for application and supervision of the application of the provisions of GD no. 455/2011 on airport tariffs, PIAC-AD-STA, ed.1/ 2016, approved by the Decision of the General Director of AACR no. 841 / 23.09.2016.
The supervision of airport tariffs by AACR is done in accordance with the provisions of Chap. 5 of the Procedure for the application and supervision of the application of the provisions of GD no. 455/2011 on airport tariffs, PIAC-AD-STA, ed.1/ 2016, corroborated with the provisions of the Procedure on Issuing and processing of aeronautical information bases, PIAC-BA, ed.1/2009, amendment 2/2016.
At national level
Type and Code of the Normative Act
Title of the Normative Act
1. OMTI no.744/23.09.2011 (consolidated) Order of the Minister of Transport and Infrastructure for establishing the conditions that can be associated with airport charges and the criteria that can be applied in order to differentiate airport charges
►M1: OMTI no. 2178/29.11.2012
2. GD no.455/04.05.2011 Government decision on airport charges
PIAC - Civil Aeronautics Procedures and Instructions
Type and Code of the Normative Act
Title of the Normative Act
1. PIAC-AD-STA, Ed.1/2016 Civil aeronautics instructions and procedures for aplication and supervision of HG nr. 455/ 2011 regarding the airport tariffs, approved by the Decision of the General Director of AACR no. 841 / 23.09.2016.
2. PIAC-BA, Ed.1/2009 Civil aeronautics instructions and procedures for issuing and processing of the aeronautical information publication, approved by the Decision of the General Director of AACR no. 1074 / 29.11.2016.