Autoritatea Aeronautică Civilă Romană

  • Concursul pentru ocuparea postului de referent de specialitate în cadrul Serviciului Audit Securitate Aeronautică din structura Direcției Aeronautică și Securitate Cibernetică din subordinea Directorului General Adjunct 2 este suspendat pe perioada stării de urgență, urmând să fie reluat după un nou program. vor fi comunicate candidaților.

managementul AACR

Postat 09.03.2020
Rezultatul contestației la Rezultatul final al concursului pentru ocuparea posturilor vacante de inspector aeronautic din cadrul BNC-SN-DN

Termenul limită de comunicare a rezultatului contestației și a rezultatului final al concursului pentru ocuparea posturilor vacante (3 posturi) de inspector aeronautic din cadrul Biroului de navigabilitate continuă al Serviciului de navigabilitate - Departamentul de navigabilitate
În baza Raportului nr. 6699 / 09.03.2020, calendarul concursului a fost amânat pentru postul de inspector aeronautic BNC-SN-DN din subordinea Directorului General adjunct 1 privind soluționarea contestației până la data de 09.03.2020 și afișarea rezultatului final pe site-ul AACR. până la 10.03.2020.

Publicat 02.03.2020
Rezultat final - Inspector aeronautic - BNC-SN-DN - 02.02.2020

Postat 28.02.2020
Rezultatele testelor scrise pentru postul de inspector aeronautic (3 posturi) - BNC-SN-DN - 28.02.2020

Posted 24.02.2020
Aeronautical inspector competition interview test result - BNC-SN-DN 24.02.2020

Posted 21.02.2020
BNC-SN-DN aeronautical inspector psychological test result

Posted 18.02.2020
Result for the selection of aeronautical inspector competition files - BNC - DN -18.02
Final result of the accounting competition (with cashier attributions) Invoicing Department - BFCF-SGAF 18.02.2020

Posted 17.02.2020
Result of the written test of the accounting competition with CF-BFCF-SGAF cashier attributions 17.02.2020

Posted 11.02.2020
Accounting interview interview test result with CF-BFCF-SGAF cashier attributions 11.02.2020

Posted 10.02.2020
Psychological test result accounting contest with cashier responsibilities CF- BFCF-SGAF 10.02.2020


Starting with 10.02.2020, the competitions for filling positions within AACR are resumed according to the following calendar:

1. for the position of accountant within CF-BFCF-SGAF
- communication of the result for the psychological test 10.02.2020
- dates of the competition tests:
- the interview, with eliminatory character, on 11.02.2020
- selection tests on 12.02.2020
- the time limit for communicating the result for each stage, by posting on the AACR website, in the section specially designed for:
- the interview 11.02.2020, after 15.30
- selection tests 17.02.2020, after 15.30
- the term in which the final result of the contest is communicated is 18.02.2020
- time limit for lodging appeals:
-two working days from the date of communication of the final results of the competition, respectively until 20.02.2020, inclusive, at the AACR Registry, until 16.15
- the period within which the result of the appeals shall be communicated, by posting on the AACR website, in the section specially designed:
- the final result of the contest 21.02.2020, after 13.00

2. for the positions of aeronautical inspector (3 positions) within BNC– SN-DN
-the deadline by which the competition files are submitted is 14.02.2020 (inclusive)
- dates of the competition tests:
- the selection of the competition files, with eliminatory character, on 18.02.2020
- psychological testing, with eliminatory character, on 21.02.2020
- the interview, with eliminatory character, on 24.02.2020
- selection tests on 25.02.2019
- the time limit for communicating the result for each stage, by posting on the AACR website, in the section specifically intended for:
- selection of files, 18.02.2020, after 15.30
- psychological testing 21.02.2020, after 13.30
- the interview 24.02.2020, after 15.30
- selection tests 28.02.2020, after 15.30
- the term in which the final result of the contest is communicated is 02.03.2020
- time limit for lodging appeals:
- one working day from the date of communication of the results of the selection of the files, respectively until 19.02.2020, at the AACR Registry, until 16.15
-two working days from the date of communication of the final results of the competition, respectively until 04.03.2020, inclusive, at the AACR Registry, until 16.15
- the period within which the result of the appeals shall be communicated, by posting on the AACR website, in the section specially designed:
- selection of files 20.02.2020, after 15.00
- the final result of the contest 05.03.2020, after 15.00

3. Concursul pentru ocuparea posturilor vacante de referent de specialitate (2 posturi) din cadrul Compartimentului Audit Securitate Aeronautica din structura Directiei Aeronautica si Securitate Cibernetica se anuleaza avand in vedere modificarea structurii organizatorice a AACR, in vigoare.

Last update: 05/02/2025, 04:19:47