Autoritatea Aeronautică Civilă Romană

In accordance with the Decree of the President of Romania no.195 / 16.03.2020 on the establishment of the state of emergency on the territory of Romania, as well as art.12 (1) of the Military Ordinance no.3 / 24.03.2020 on measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19 and of the AACR Report no. 8321 / 30.03.2020, AACR makes the following clarifications regarding the validity of certificates issued to natural and legal persons based on European and national regulations:

  1. The validity of the certification documents * issued on the basis of European regulations, which expires before 31.07.2020, is extended, based on art.71 (1) of EU Regulation no.1139 / 2018, with a period of four (4) months or until the expiration of the exemption, with the possibility of extending this interval by another 4 months, if the situation at that date so requires. Report on the granting of exemptions from the requirements of European Commission and Parliament regulations in the areas of ACW / OPS / ATCO / CAW, based on the provisions of Article 71 (1) of Regulation 2018/1139 (No. 8321 / 30.03.2020), can be consulted here.
  2. During the state of emergency, documents issued on the basis of national regulations issued by the AACR which expire during this period shall remain valid. The extension of the validity of these documents can be done in maximum 90 days from the date of cessation of the state of emergency.

* Certification documents mean licenses, as well as their associated qualifications / authorizations / certificates, including medical certificates or notices, issued to aeronautical personnel. The above provisions also apply to legal persons for which certificates and / or authorizations have been issued on the basis of national regulations or European regulations.