Autoritatea Aeronautică Civilă Romană

The members of the European Coordination Group on Air Safety and Navigation (ESANCG), a group coordinated by representatives of the European Commission and the ECAC, finalized the discussions on the documents / topics on the agenda of the ICAO General Assembly, identifying those which is a major interest in connection with the promotion and support of European interests in the ICAO General Assembly, an event that will take place from September 24 to October 4, 2019, in Montreal, Canada.
Along with the decision to support some documents or the decision on the co-participation of some European states in the elaboration of some documents on the agenda of the General Assembly, ESANCG members agreed on the form and content of the declarations of principle, documents to be approved by the Directors General of the ECAC Member States and which presents to the General Assembly the European sectoral views and policy, in areas such as:

  1. identifying the possibilities to solve the capacity problems in the current air navigation system, through a global approach;
  2. the need to identify possibilities for cross-border surveillance as a result of the implementation of new business models in civil aviation;
  3. the need to update, optimize and streamline the ICAO USOAP CMA program;
  4. the need to update the Global Air Navigation Plan (GANP) in order to include issues related to the digitization and modernization of air traffic management (ATM);
  5. ensuring the integrity of the signal provided by the satellite system as the basis of the CNS system (communications, navigation and aerial surveillance);
  6. rapid identification of the possibilities of implementing the new aeronautical concepts TUM (UAS Traffic Management) and high-altitude air operations;
  7. the new strategy for the selection and training of the next generation of civil aviation professionals (NGAP);
  8. assessing the possibility of setting up investigative organizations, regional cooperation and mutual support in the event of aviation incidents and accidents (RAIOS).

Based on the ESANCG decisions, the declarations of principle are to be presented at the ICAO General Assembly by representatives of European states as follows: Great Britain, Spain, Germany, Norway, the Netherlands, Finland, Romania and Ireland.
Between September 24 and October 4, 2019, representatives of governmental civil aviation organizations from the 193 member states of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) as well as representatives of professional associations in civil aviation are invited, based on the provisions of art. 49 of the Chicago Convention, at the ICAO headquarters in Montreal, Canada, at the work of the 40th General Assembly. Given the global social and economic changes that currently affect human society, the event is proving to be extremely important in shaping the strategy for the development of global air transport for the next 15-20 years.
The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) is a United Nations agency whose role is to establish policies and strategies specific to the field of air navigation at the global level and which is responsible for the planning and development of international air transport to ensure sustainable growth. of the field of international civil aviation. ICAO was founded following the signing of the Convention on International Civil Aviation in Chicago on December 7, 1944. The ICAO General Assembly is the sovereign body of the Organization, it meets at least once every three years and is convened by the governing body of ICAO. , Council.