Autoritatea Aeronautică Civilă Romană

The European Commission established through the "Regulation on the information to be provided before the establishment and amendment of a Functional Airspace Block" adopted on 25 February 2011 the requirements for the harmonization of the information process between all parties involved in the creation of the Single European Sky ( SES). Member States have decided to end the fragmentation of European airspace by December 2012 by jointly creating 9 (nine) common geographical airspaces: Functional Airspace Blocks (FABs). This regulation sets out the information that will be exchanged between the parties involved.

The creation of Functional Airspace Blocks (FABs) is one of the cornerstones of the Single European Sky, through their creation aimed at preventing its fragmentation. Member States are responsible for establishing the Functional Airspace Blocks, which will be carried out after consultation with all parties involved.

Functional airspace blocks will improve current safety standards, help aircraft fly much shorter routes, reduce the impact of aviation on the environment, minimize delays, reduce costs for companies, and ultimately reduce airfare in favor of passengers. This regulation will allow the comparative assessment of the different Functional Airspace Blocks and the consultations between all parties involved. Thus, the Commission and other bodies will be informed of progress and changes that could affect other Functional Airspace Blocks.