Autoritatea Aeronautică Civilă Romană

The Romanian Civil Aviation Authority has developed the draft Operational Directive, DO: ConvAOC (h), which establishes the additional operational requirements or amendments to the provisions of JAR-OPS 3, Amendment 5, and the associated acceptable modes of compliance (AMC), in order to perform conversion of Air Operator Certificates (helicopters) - AOC (h), in accordance with Art. 7 of Regulation (EU) no. 965/2012 and with the transition program assumed by Romania and sent to the European Commission as well as for the initial obtaining of these certificates.


Draft Operational Directive DO: ConvAOC (h) can be accessed on the AACR website at:


With a view to the entry into force of the Operational Directive DO: ConvAOC (h) on 28.11.2013, any written information, views or arguments resulting from the analysis of the draft directive in question may be transmitted to AACR, the Supervisory Directorate, the Air Operators, until 04.11.2013.