Autoritatea Aeronautică Civilă Romană

In order to improve the aircraft certification process of the aircraft registered in the Civil Aircraft Register of Romania, the Romanian CAA will bring a series of changes to the PIAC-AW-CNV airworthiness certification procedure, for both updating documents and forms related to this process, and optimizing the exchange of information between the applicant and the Romanian CAA and the transition to digitization of the process.

A first step is made by the Amendment 1 to the edition 2/2021 of PIAC-AW-CNV, approved by the Decision No. D426 of the Director General of the Romanian CAA, which introduces the obligation for the Romanian CAA to carry out the airworthiness inspection of the aircraft within maximum 10 working days from the date of receipt of the complete documentation necessary for the airworthiness certification. Thus, the aircraft operators can approximate more precisely the date of the certificate issuance and, consequently, the date from which the aircraft may perform flights