Autoritatea Aeronautică Civilă Romană

Following the entry into force of the new European regulations on commercial air transport ((EU) 965/2012) and the application of the provisions of the Operational Directive OJ: ConvAOC (h), certain difficulties of interpretation have been identified regarding the transitional period, applicability and the actions to be taken by AOC holding air operators (h) to convert and issue certification documents.

Thus, on 18.12.2013, at the AACR headquarters, a meeting took place that had as subject the content of the Operational Directive DO: ConvAOC (h) for the correct implementation of its provisions by the operators that carry out or intend to carry out air transport operations public with helicopters.

The action brought together over 20 participants from the air operators, represented by those responsible for flight operations and quality assurance (compliance monitoring).