Autoritatea Aeronautică Civilă Romană

On 11 April this year, a technical meeting was held between the management of AACR and representatives of the European Business Association (EBA), an activity noted on the EBA's permanent agenda, to organize meetings with the national civil aviation authorities of the Member States. hold the EU presidency. The discussions were attended by the AACR leadership and representatives of the EBA, delegates from the European aviation industry and officials from the Romanian Ministry of Transport.
The purpose of the meeting was to present by EBA the characteristics and industry represented by EBA, the particularities of business aviation in Romania and in Europe. The European challenges posed by accessibility to airports and airspace, general operational issues, as well as technological developments in the field of aviation were also discussed.
The Parties agreed that the concrete outcome of the meeting would be to monitor developments in the aeronautical market both in terms of technology and in terms of developing the concepts of accessibility and operationalization, as well as mutual information actions.