Autoritatea Aeronautică Civilă Romană

The Board of Directors of the Romanian Civil Aviation Authority appointed Mr. Nicolae Stoica as Director General of AACR, starting with January 18, 2021.

Nicolae Stoica is an engineer by profession, he graduated from the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering - from the Polytechnic University of Bucharest, holds a bachelor's degree in engineering - propulsion systems, and has a master's degree in engineering - propulsion systems, as well as in management and international marketing.

Nicolae Stoica has over 17 years of experience in civil aviation, at executive and management level, with responsibilities in accident and incident investigation, safety analysis and management, conducted in the Ministry of Transport, Center for Civil Aviation Safety Investigation and Analysis – in his capacity of General Director from 2012 to 2018, in the Bucharest Airports National Company and in the aviation industry. Also, in May 2020, he was appointed a member of the Board of Directors of RA AACR.