The organization that aims to obtain a certificate of Organization preparation for CTA, submits to the AACR headquarters the standard application for certification, duly completed.
The application for certification shall contains the information specified in ATCO.OR.C.001(c) of Regulation (EU) no. 340/2015.
The application shall be accompanied by a presentation of the Organization as well as other relevant documents namely:
(1) a declaration signed by the responsible manager of the organization concerned stating that the applicant:
- confirms that the submission of the presentation, as well as any other written documentation therein or accompanying the application for certification, define the applicant's compliance with the certification
- requirements and conditions applicable to the training for which he applies for certification and that the applicant intends to maintain such compliance permanently ;
- and ensure the unrestricted access of any person authorized by the AACR to the headquarters of the organization in order to analyze the records, procedures, data or any documents relevant to the purpose of the activity carried out by the authorized persons.
(2) the analysis by which the organization demonstrates compliance with the requirements of EU Regulation no. 340/2015 (AMC1.ATCO.OR.B.005);
(3) proposals for alternative means of compliance (when opting for this option of compliance) as a solution to acceptable means of compliance, which must comply with the requirements of ATCO.OR.B.005 and subsequent AMC;
(4) the approval documentation of the course/courses specific to the type(s) of training and the course(s) for which approval is requested;
The presentation must provide all relevant information on the human resources, facilities and equipment that the training organization intends to use in the training process. It contains at least the following elements:
(1) data relating to the management of the training organization in accordance with the requirements of ATCO.OR.C.001 and subsequent AMCs;
(2) a complete description of the contracted activities, if any, to be procured in accordance with the requirements of ATCO.OR.C.005 and subsequent AMC;
(3) the documents from which the personnel requirements must be complied with according to the requirements of ATCO.OR.C.010;
(4) presentation of the material basis of the training center that must comply with the requirements of ATCO.OR.C.015 (a) (c) and subsequent AMC/GM;
(5) references to authorization documents for synthetic flight preparation equipment (specialized systems or mission simulation devices (PTT) and simulators) used in the preparation process, which shall comply with the requirements of ATCO.OR.C.015; and a subsequent AMC;
(6) documents and facilities for ensuring the security of documents and records, in accordance with the requirements of ATCO.OR.C.020 and subsequent AMC;
(7) the documents necessary to demonstrate both the financial capacity of the training organization to carry out the proposed training activities and the coverage of these activities by sufficient assurance in relation to their nature, in accordance with the provisions of ATCO.C.025 and AMC/Subsequent GM;
(8) event reporting procedures, if the organization requires on-the-job training in accordance with the provisions of ATCO.B.040 and subsequent AMC/GM;
(9) procedures for the implementation of safety measures related to training activities, ordered by AACR as a competent authority in accordance with the provisions of ATCO.B.035 and subsequent AMC/GM.
When applying for an initial certificate, the applicant must also apply for approval of at least one training course provided for each type of training offered (ATCO.OR.B001. (5)).
The courses that a training organization may offer by types of training of air traffic controllers are those presented in Annex I, Subpart D, Sections 2, 3, 4, 5.
AACR approves all types of training courses, provided that they comply with the requirements of Regulation (EU) 2015/340, Annex I-Part ATCO, Subpart D, Section 2 and associated AMC/GM.
Certified training organizations may subsequently apply for AACR approval for new types of training and courses compared to those obtained through the initial certification.