Autoritatea Aeronautică Civilă Romană

Airlines that do not meet EU aviation safety standards are prohibited from operating within the EU, in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 2111/2005 of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing a Community list of air carriers subject to a ban on operating in the territory of the Community and informing passengers of air transport of the identity of the actual air carrier.
Flights of these companies are banned in European airspace, but may be allowed in non-EU countries.

The decision to include an air carrier in the list of air carriers whose operation is prohibited in the European Union shall be taken following consultations between the aviation authorities of the Member States, the European civil aviation institutions, the aviation authority responsible for the safety of the air carrier concerned and that carrier. air.

The list consists of 2 annexes: Annex A, which includes air carriers with a total ban on operating in EU airspace, and Annex B, which includes carriers with partial operating bans in the EU (certain aircraft owned by them are allowed to operate, being considered to exceed EU safety standards).

The list of air carriers whose operation is prohibited in the European Union is subject to regular reviews and can be accessed at:

Last update: 24/08/2020, 07:02:06