Autoritatea Aeronautică Civilă Romană

AACR is designated as the technical body responsible for the collection, analysis, centralization and dissemination of statistical data in the field of air transport, according to OMTI no. 1089/2012.

AACR collects statistical data from Romanian civil aviation agencies (data providers), analyzes them, centralizes them and disseminates them to:

- internally to the Ministry of Transport (MT), the National Institute of Statistics (INS), the Civil Aviation Safety Investigation and Analysis Authority (AIAS) and other entities upon request;
- externally to the International Civil Aviation Organizations (ICAO, ACI) according to Romania's obligations as an ICAO member state.

The providers of statistical data are the civil aeronautical agents that carry out specific activities in the national airspace and on the Romanian territory, based on a certification or authorization from AACR. These are:

- certified aerodromes in Romania;
- authorized air operators for the commercial transport of passengers, cargo and mail;
- authorized air operators for general aviation and aerial work activities;
- air navigation service provider;
- aviation fuel distributors.

The providers of statistical data have the obligation to provide free of charge to AACR correct, current and complete statistical data, on time, with the periodicity and in the format provided in the PAC-STA code procedure, ed.2 / 2024.

The statistical data provided by the aeronautical agents, depending on the activity carried out, refer to:

- realized traffic and transport capacity;
- the origin and destination of the flight stages;
- the financial results of the civil aviation activities carried out;
- fleet and personnel structure;
- fuel consumption.

Civil aeronautical agents will provide statistical data by e-mail to the e-mail address, according to Chapter 2, point (7) of PAC-STA, ed 2/2024.

Regulatory framework:

- Regulation (EC) no. 223/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council on European Statistics;
- Law no. 226/2009 on the organization and functioning of official statistics in Romania, with subsequent amendments and completions;
- OMTI no. 1089/2012, regarding the collection, analysis, centralization and dissemination of statistical data in the field of air transport;
- ICAO Statistical Program Reference Manual, Doc 9060/5;
- Procedure regarding the collection, analysis, centralization and dissemination of statistical data in the field of air transport, code PAC-STA, edition 02/2024.

Other information:

- AACR is a producer of official statistics in Romania and is included in the list of other producers of official statistics in Romania;
- AACR is a member of the National Statistical System Committee (COMSTAT), established according to Law no. 226/2009;
- AACR applies the Code of Practice for European Statistics. More information on the European Statistics Code of Practice can be found here.
- The current statistical data dissemination calendar can be accessed here;

Last update: 14/02/2025, 11:59:17