Autoritatea Aeronautică Civilă Romană

The examination for the issue of cabin crew member attestation shall be held after completion of the initial training course in an approved training organization in accordance with ARA.CC.200. The examination subjects shall include all the elements of the training syllabus according to the provisions of Regulation (EU) no. 1178/2011, Appendix 1 to Part CC, except for the training on crew resource management (CRM).

The examination for Communication in English includes a written test, in English, which lasts 25 minutes and contains 20 multiple choice 20 questions, with one correct answer.

The pass mark is 75%.

The theoretical knowledge examinations take place at the RCAA headquarters, in accordance with the annual theoretical knowledge examinations sittings approved at the RCAA level.

Last update: 16/01/2024, 05:12:54