Autoritatea Aeronautică Civilă Romană

The Romanian Civil Aviation Authority has transmitted to the air operators, airports in the country and ground handling operators the recommendations issued by ICAO and EASA regarding the nCoV coronavirus epidemic in China.

On 30.01.2020, ICAO published a new Electronic Bulletin, entitled "Ongoing developments regarding the Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) outbreak". This EB brings to the public the latest available information on the evolution of the nCoV coronavirus and a series of recommendations are issued to both the civil aviation industry and the relevant authorities. The document can be accessed here.

On 24.01.2020, ICAO published an Electronic Bulletin (EB) entitled "EB 2020/06 - Novel Corona Epidemic Virus in China".
The document can be accessed here.

On 27.01.2020 EASA issued a Safety Information Bulletin (SIB) on the same subject. The EASA SIB recommends that airlines provide information to flight crew members on how to manage an acute respiratory infection. In addition, it recommends that air operators and airports encourage flight crew members and airport staff to identify passengers who show signs of acute respiratory infections and who have recently been in China or come in contact with people coming from China. Air operators flying to or from affected countries should be equipped with Universal Protection Kits for crew members assisting with potential cases of infection. Crews calling at China should also be informed and equipped as recommended by the Chinese authorities.
In addition, EASA encourages air operators and airports to work with public health authorities to provide support in tracking passengers in the event of flights where Coronavirusu 2019-nCoV infections have been confirmed. The EASA document can be accessed here.