Autoritatea Aeronautică Civilă Romană

Ministers Radu Berceanu and Aleksandar Tsvetkov signed in Sofia the Memorandum of Understanding between the Romanian Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure and the Ministry of Transport, Information Technology and Communications of the Republic of Bulgaria on cooperation in the provision of air navigation services and the establishment of a bloc functional airspace, comprising the national airspace of Romania, the national airspace of the Republic of Bulgaria and the airspace under the international legal obligations assumed by Romania and the Republic of Bulgaria (Memorandum DANUBE FAB).


The memorandum will create the necessary framework for cooperation between the two institutions to achieve the ultimate goal, that of establishing a functional airspace block (FAB) to ensure efficiency and increase the quality of air traffic services offered in the airspace of Romania and Bulgaria.


This project, called DANUBE FAB, meets the requirements of the European regulatory package known as the Single European Sky and benefits from Community funding through the TEN-T Program.