Autoritatea Aeronautică Civilă Romană

Specialists in the field of civil aviation security, AACR, discussed in a technical seminar with representatives of the authorities of the EU Member States and members of the European Commission the solutions to be adopted after BREXIT, to identify the EU member states to which to transfer responsibilities in the field of civil aviation security from the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
Specialists discussed the transfer of UK responsibilities for the designation and monitoring of third-country air and freight carriers in the EU, and their reallocation to Germany, France and Belgium through transitional decisions to be contained in legislation issued by the Commission. EU.
The European Commission has reconfirmed that the responsibility for designating and monitoring third country air cargo and mail carriers with ACC3 status can be transferred from one Member State to another, provided that both Member States agree on such a decision.
The European Commission has stated that it will facilitate / coordinate the transfer of responsibilities process as before.
ACC3 - defines the air carrier from a third country that has proven to meet the civil aviation security standards imposed by the EU for air and freight transport from third countries in operations at EU airports.