Autoritatea Aeronautică Civilă Romană

The Romanian Civil Aeronautical Authority, following the suspicions of prejudice by copying the results of the theoretical examinations for obtaining the PPL pilot license (private pilot) from the session of 9 - 10 September 2019, decided the following:

  • the establishment, by decision of the Director-General, of an internal commission to verify the conduct of theoretical examinations for obtaining a Pilot PPL (private pilot) license, session 9-10 September 2019. The Commission also has the role of identifying syncopes, vulnerabilities in the mechanisms internal organization and conduct of AACR examinations. The Commission will make proposals to improve the methods and quality of supervision of examinations in order to discourage future attempts to defraud examinations, as well as proposals to sanction those found guilty;
  • suspension of the PPL pilot licensing process for all those who passed the theoretical exams in the session 9-10 September 2019, including verifying how two candidates have already obtained the PPL pilot license, fully passing the theoretical tests in the 9-9 September session;
  • the suspension, until the completion of the internal verifications of the AACR supervisors who had organizational responsibilities in the process of conducting the session from 9 to 10 September 2019 for obtaining the PPL license;
  • notifying the competent judicial bodies in connection with suspicions of prejudice by copying the result of the theoretical examinations, for the session of 9 - 10 September 2019, in order to obtain the PPL license;
  • notification to the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) of the above matters.

AACR states that in accordance with the European Regulation on the licensing of seafarers, candidates who have prejudiced the conduct of theoretical examinations are disqualified from taking them in all Member States of the European Union for a period of at least 12 months (European Regulation 1178/2011 for Certification of seafarers).

For the correct information of the public, AACR states that, in accordance with the legal provisions, "the privileges of the holder of a PPL license give him the right to act, free of charge on aircraft used exclusively in non-commercial operations", which means that they cannot carry out commercial flight, passenger transport and / or cargo for airlines.