Autoritatea Aeronautică Civilă Romană

Single European Sky

The adoption by the European Parliament and the Council on 10 March 2004 of the four Regulations underlying the harmonized regulatory framework for the creation of the Single European Sky (SES) marked in part the transfer of regulatory function in the field of air navigation services to traffic. at national level, at the level of the Community institutions. Following the entry into force of these Regulations, both implementing rules have been and continue to be adopted, in the form of European Commission Regulations, and acceptable means of compliance with specific requirements, in the form of Community specifications. Since the date of Romania's accession to the European Union, the SES Regulations have become mandatory in all their elements and directly applicable. For this reason, an important role of the air navigation service is to perform analysis, monitoring and planning activities, such as:

- analysis of draft Community acts applicable to the exercise of the function of safety oversight in the field of air traffic management / air navigation services provided to general air traffic;

- monitoring and proposing the updating, as appropriate, of the regulated framework at national level - through Romanian civil aeronautical regulations (RACR) and subsequent civil aeronautical procedures and instructions (PIAC) - in order to implement specific Community requirements;

- planning and execution of activities specific to the exercise of the supervision function.

Last update: 26/04/2021, 09:22:25