Autoritatea Aeronautică Civilă Romană

For category A:
1) Request for examination;
2) Form 19 duly completed and signed;
3) Annex to Form 19 - List of works completed and signed accordingly by the quality director or similar, which certifies the performance of the works
4) Copy of the diploma (s) of studies;
5) Copy of the documents certifying the graduation of the corresponding theoretical and practical courses by type of aircraft;
6) Certificate stating the work experience in the field of maintenance of at least 2 years if the applicant has relevant technical training or 3 years if the applicant does not have relevant technical training, of which 6 months before submitting the application;
7) Curriculum Vitae;
1) AACR reserves the right to request other additional documents, as appropriate;
2) in case the conversion of the national license into the Part-66 license is requested, the file must also include a copy of all the pages of the LPTA aeronautical technical personnel license;
3) following the analysis of the complete file, the examination modules for obtaining the requested category and the examination session will be established and this information will be communicated to the applicant.
For category B1:
1) Request for examination;
2) Form 19 duly completed and signed;
3) Annex to Form 19 - List of works completed and signed accordingly by the quality director or similar, which certifies the performance of the works;
4) Copy of the diploma (s) of studies;
5) Copy of the documents certifying the graduation of the corresponding theoretical and practical courses by type of aircraft;
6) Certificate stating the work experience in the field of maintenance of at least 3 years if the applicant has relevant technical training or 5 years if the applicant does not have relevant technical training, of which 6 months before submitting the application
7) Curriculum Vitae
1) AACR reserves the right to request other additional documents, as appropriate;
2) in case the conversion of the national license into the Part-66 license is requested, the file must also include a copy of all the pages of the LPTA aeronautical technical personnel license;
3) following the analysis of the complete file, the examination modules for obtaining the requested category and the examination session will be established, and this information will be communicated to the applicant;
For category B2:
1) Request for examination;
2) Form 19 duly completed and signed;
3) Annex to Form 19 - List of works completed and signed accordingly by the quality director or similar, which certifies the performance of the works;
4) Copy of the diploma (s) of studies;
5) Copy of the documents certifying the graduation of the corresponding theoretical and practical courses by type of aircraft;
6) Certificate stating the work experience in the field of maintenance of at least 3 years if the applicant has relevant technical training or 5 years if the applicant does not have relevant technical training, of which 6 months before submitting the application;
7) Curriculum Vitae
1) AACR reserves the right to request other additional documents, as appropriate;
2) in case the conversion of the national license into the Part-66 license is requested, the file must also include a copy of all the pages of the LPTA aeronautical technical personnel license;
3) following the analysis of the complete file, the examination modules for obtaining the requested category and the examination session will be established and this information will be communicated to the applicant.

From category A to category B2:
1) Request for examination;
2) Form 19 duly completed and signed
3) Annex to Form 19 - The completed list of works duly signed by the quality director or similar, which certifies the performance of the works;
4) Copy of the diploma (s) of studies;
5) Copy of the documents certifying the graduation of the corresponding theoretical and practical courses by type of aircraft;
6) Certificate proving work experience in the field of maintenance exclusively as category B2 personnel of at least 2 years, of which 6 months before the submission of the application, according to Annex IV to Part 66
7) Curriculum Vitae
1) AACR reserves the right to request other additional documents, as appropriate;
2) if a part of the mentioned documents is already at AACR, in the file submitted for the category already held, this will be mentioned in the forwarding address and those documents will no longer be submitted;
3) following the analysis of the complete file, the examination modules for obtaining the new requested category and the examination session will be established and this information will be communicated to the applicant;
From category B1 to category B2:
1) Request for examination;
2) Form 19 duly completed and signed;
3) Annex to Form 19 - List of works completed and signed accordingly by the quality director or similar, which certifies the performance of the works
4) Copy of the diploma (s) of studies;
5) Copy of the documents certifying the graduation of the corresponding theoretical and practical courses by type of aircraft;
6) Certificate stating the work experience in the field of maintenance exclusively as category B2 personnel of at least 1 year, of which 6 months before the submission of the application, according to Annex IV to Part 66;
7) Curriculum Vitae
1) AACR reserves the right to request other additional documents, as appropriate;
2) if a part of the mentioned documents is already at AACR, in the file submitted for the category already held, this will be mentioned in the forwarding address and those documents will no longer be submitted;
3) following the analysis of the complete file, the examination modules for obtaining the new requested category and the examination session will be established and this information will be communicated to the applicant.
From category B2 to category B1:
1) Request for examination;
2) Form 19 duly completed and signed;
3) Annex to Form 19 - List of works completed and signed accordingly by the quality director or similar, which certifies the performance of the works;
4) Copy of the diploma (s) of studies;
5) Copy of the documents certifying the graduation of the corresponding theoretical and practical courses by type of aircraft;
6) Certificate stating the work experience in the field of maintenance exclusively as personnel category B1 of at least 1 year, of which 6 months before the submission of the application, according to Annex IV to Part 66;
7) Curriculum Vitae
1) AACR reserves the right to request other additional documents, as appropriate;
2) if a part of the mentioned documents is already at AACR, in the file submitted for the category already held, this will be mentioned in the forwarding address and those documents will no longer be submitted;
3) following the analysis of the complete file, the examination modules for obtaining the new requested category and the examination session will be established and this information will be communicated to the applicant.
De la categoria B2 la categoria A:
1) Cerere de examinare;
2) Form 19 completat si semnat corespunzator;
3) Anexa la Form 19 - Lista de lucrari completata si semnata corespunzator de catre directorul de calitate sau similar, care atesta efectuarea lucrarilor
4) Copie dupa diploma(ele) de studii;
5) Copie dupa documentele care atesta absolvirea cursurilor teoretice si practice corespunzatoare pe tip de avion;
6) Adeverinta din care sa reiasa experienta de lucru in domeniul intretinerii exclusiv ca personal categoria A de cel putin 6 luni, din care 6 luni inainte de depunerea cererii, conform Anexa IV la Part 66;
7) Curriculum Vitae
1) AACR isi rezerva dreptul de a solicita si alte documente suplimentare, dupa caz;
2) in cazul in care o parte din documentele mentionate se afla deja la AACR, in dosarul depus pentru categoria deja detinuta, se va mentiona acest lucru in adresa de inaintare si nu se vor mai depune acele documente;
3) in urma analizei dosarului complet, se vor stabili modulele de examinare pentru obtinerea noii categorii solicitate si sesiunea de examinare si va comunica aceste informatii solicitantului.

1) Cerere de examinare;
2) Form 19 completat si semnat corespunzator (formularul se poate lua din Part-66);
3) Copie dupa documentele care atesta absolvirea cursurilor teoretice si practice corespunzatoare pe tip de avion.
1) AACR isi rezerva dreptul de a solicita si alte documente suplimentare, dupa caz;
2) in cazul in care aeronava solicitata se incadreaza intr-o categorie diferita de cea detinuta deja pe licenta Part-66, pentru a putea inscrie in licenta aceasta aeronava, solicitantul trebuie sa sustina examene pentru eliminarea limitarilor ce greveaza licenta (daca este cazul) si examene de diferenta pentru obtinerea noii categorii solicitate si sa faca dovada indeplinirii cerintelor de experienta practica pentru noua categorie solicitata in conformitate cu Anexa IV la Part-66.

Last update: 26/04/2021, 09:19:48